what is better keyboard or touchscreen
what is better keyboard or touchscreen

In today’s fast-paced technological era, the debate between keyboard and touchscreen has become a prominent topic of discussion. From smartphones and tablets to laptops and desktop computers, the choice between a physical keyboard and a sleek touchscreen interface has divided users. While some argue that the tactile feedback of a keyboard enhances typing speed and accuracy, others contend that the intuitive nature of a touchscreen allows for a more seamless user experience. In this article, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of both options, ultimately helping you decide whether a keyboard or a touchscreen is better suited to your needs.

Advantages of Keyboard

1.1 Increased typing speed

One of the key advantages of using a keyboard is the ability to type at a faster pace. With the physical keys and familiar layout, users can quickly and accurately input their thoughts and ideas with minimal effort. This makes keyboards the preferred choice for tasks such as writing long documents, emails, or coding.

1.2 More accurate typing

In addition to increased typing speed, keyboards also offer a higher level of accuracy. The tactile feedback provided by pressing the keys allows users to feel each keystroke, ensuring that they are hitting the right keys with precision. This can be especially beneficial for individuals who require a high degree of accuracy in their work, such as data entry professionals or programmers.

1.3 Tactile feedback

The tactile sensation provided by keyboards can greatly enhance the typing experience. When pressing the keys, users can feel a satisfying click or resistance, giving them reassurance that their input has been registered. This feedback helps to create a sense of engagement and can contribute to improved typing efficiency and accuracy.

1.4 Customizable shortcuts

Keyboards often come with customizable shortcut keys, allowing users to create personalized shortcuts for frequently used functions or commands. This feature can be a significant time-saver, as it eliminates the need to navigate through menus or use a mouse to access certain functions. Customizable shortcuts make tasks more efficient and tailored to individual user preferences.

1.5 Suitable for long-form typing

For tasks that require extensive typing, such as writing essays, reports, or articles, keyboards are the go-to option. The physical keys and the ability to rest hands comfortably on a keyboard can help reduce fatigue and strain, making it an ideal choice for prolonged typing sessions. The familiar layout of the keys also allows for a seamless and uninterrupted writing flow.

Advantages of Touchscreen

2.1 Intuitive user interface

Touchscreens offer a highly intuitive interface that allows users to interact with devices directly using their fingers or a stylus. This natural interaction mimics real-life experiences, making it easier for users to navigate through menus, select options, and manipulate on-screen elements. The simplicity and intuitiveness of touchscreens make them accessible to users of all ages and technological backgrounds.

2.2 Multi-touch gestures

One of the biggest advantages of touchscreens is the ability to use multi-touch gestures. These gestures, such as pinch-to-zoom or swipe-to-scroll, enable users to perform various actions quickly and seamlessly. Multi-touch gestures enhance the overall user experience by providing a more immersive and interactive way of interacting with content, whether it’s zooming in on images, scrolling through webpages, or navigating maps.

2.3 Portability and convenience

Touchscreen devices, such as smartphones and tablets, are renowned for their portability and convenience. These compact devices allow users to easily carry them around and use them on the go. With touchscreens, there is no need for external peripherals like keyboards or mice, making them a lightweight and versatile option for tasks such as checking emails, browsing the internet, or watching videos while traveling.

2.4 Enhanced interaction with content

Touchscreens provide a more direct and immersive way of interacting with content compared to traditional input methods. Whether it’s drawing on a tablet, playing games with touch controls, or manipulating images, touchscreens offer a level of engagement that cannot be replicated with a keyboard. This enhanced interaction can be especially valuable for creative tasks or activities that require precision and hands-on interaction.

2.5 Adaptability to different tasks

One of the key advantages of touchscreens is their adaptability to different tasks and purposes. Whether it’s typing on a virtual keyboard, sketching with a stylus, or using gestures for navigation, touchscreens can seamlessly switch between various input methods based on the user’s needs. This versatility makes touchscreens suitable for a wide range of applications, from productivity tasks to creative endeavors.

Disadvantages of Keyboard

3.1 Limited mobility

One of the drawbacks of using a traditional keyboard is its limited mobility. Keyboards are often attached to desktop computers or laptops, restricting the user’s movement to the immediate vicinity of the device. This lack of mobility can be inconvenient for individuals who require flexibility in their work or prefer to work in different locations.

3.2 Learning curve

Using a keyboard effectively requires some level of skill and familiarization with the layout of the keys. For individuals who are new to typing or have limited experience, there may be a learning curve involved in mastering keyboard typing. This can initially slow down typing speed and accuracy until the user becomes proficient.

3.3 Prone to mechanical failures

Traditional keyboards consist of mechanical components that can potentially fail over time. Sticky keys, unresponsive keys, or worn-out switches are common issues that users may face with traditional keyboards. Such mechanical failures can hamper the typing experience and may require repairs or replacement.

3.4 Noise and disturbance

Keyboards can be noisy, especially if the keys have a tactile feedback mechanism or are not designed to minimize noise. In shared workspaces or quiet environments, the constant sound of keystrokes can be distracting and disruptive to others. While quieter keyboards are available, minimizing noise levels may require additional investment or compromising on other features.

3.5 Limited input options

While keyboards offer a standard set of keys for typing, their input options remain limited compared to touchscreens. Keyboards are primarily designed for text input and may not provide the same level of versatility when it comes to interacting with multimedia content, such as editing images or drawing on a screen. For tasks that rely heavily on non-textual input, a keyboard may not be the most suitable option.

Disadvantages of Touchscreen

4.1 Smudge marks and fingerprints

One of the downsides of touchscreens is the tendency to accumulate smudge marks and fingerprints. Constant touching of the screen with fingers can leave behind visible marks that not only affect the aesthetics but also hinder the visibility of the screen. Regular cleaning and maintenance are necessary to ensure optimal visibility and a clean screen surface.

4.2 Lack of tactile feedback

Unlike keyboards, touchscreens lack tactile feedback, making it harder for users to determine whether their touch has been registered or whether they have pressed the right spot accurately. This absence of physical feedback can lead to errors, especially for individuals who rely on touch feedback to type or perform precise actions. However, advancements in haptic feedback technology aim to address this limitation by simulating a physical sensation.

4.3 More prone to accidental input

Touchscreens are more susceptible to accidental input compared to keyboards. The direct interaction with the screen means that any unintentional touch or swipe can trigger actions or navigate to unintended areas. This can be frustrating when working on tasks that require precision or when using applications that lack adequate input safeguards. Over time, users may become accustomed to touchscreens and learn to minimize accidental input, but the risk remains.

4.4 Limited for intensive typing

Although touchscreen keyboards have improved significantly, they still may not match the speed and comfort of traditional physical keyboards for intensive typing. The lack of tactile feedback and the absence of physical keys can result in slower typing speeds and increased errors, especially for users accustomed to physical keyboards. Touchscreen keyboards may pose challenges for individuals who frequently engage in extensive writing or typing tasks.

4.5 Limited precision for certain tasks

While touchscreens excel at providing a natural and intuitive interface, they may lack the precision required for certain tasks, such as intricate image editing or precise cursor control. The imprecision can be attributed to the relatively larger contact area of a finger compared to a mouse or stylus tip. Users working on tasks that demand high levels of accuracy or fine-grained control may find touchscreens less efficient or suited to their needs.

Comparison Factors

5.1 Typing speed

When comparing keyboards and touchscreens, typing speed is one of the crucial factors to consider. Keyboards generally offer faster typing speeds due to the tactile feedback and physical keys, allowing users to type rapidly and accurately. Touchscreens, on the other hand, may require more effort and practice to reach the same level of typing speed as traditional keyboards.

5.2 Accuracy

In terms of typing accuracy, keyboards have an advantage over touchscreens due to the tactile feedback and precise key placements. The physical keys provide users with a clear indication of whether their keystrokes have been registered, resulting in fewer errors. Touchscreens, although capable of accurate typing, may be more prone to errors due to the lack of physical feedback.

5.3 Ergonomics

Ergonomics play a significant role in choosing an input method. Keyboards, especially those designed with ergonomic considerations, offer users a comfortable typing experience with proper hand and wrist alignment. Touchscreens, on the other hand, may require users to hold and interact with devices in positions that can strain the wrists and fingers, potentially leading to discomfort or repetitive strain injuries.

5.4 User experience

User experience encompasses various aspects such as ease of use, intuitive interaction, and overall satisfaction. Keyboards provide a familiar and efficient typing experience that many users find comforting and productive. However, touchscreens offer a highly intuitive interface that appeals to users who prefer direct interaction with content. The decision ultimately depends on personal preference and the nature of the tasks being performed.

5.5 Adaptability

In terms of adaptability, touchscreens have the advantage of being versatile and adaptable to different tasks. The ability to switch between typing, drawing, and using gestures provides users with flexibility and a range of input options. Keyboards, while capable of performing various functions through customizable shortcuts, are primarily designed for text input and may not offer the same level of adaptability as touchscreens.

Choosing the Right Input Method

6.1 Purpose of use

When choosing between a keyboard and a touchscreen, the purpose of use should be a primary consideration. For tasks that involve extensive typing, such as writing documents or coding, a traditional keyboard is often the preferred choice. On the other hand, touchscreens excel in tasks that require direct interaction with content, such as drawing, gaming, or casual web browsing.

6.2 Personal preference

Personal preference plays a crucial role in selecting the right input method. Some users may find the tactile feedback and physical keys of a keyboard more comfortable and productive, while others may prefer the natural and immersive interaction offered by touchscreens. Trying out both options and considering individual preferences can help determine the best fit.

6.3 Mobility requirements

Mobility requirements can also influence the choice between a keyboard and a touchscreen. If portability and convenience are essential, touchscreens, particularly those found on smartphones or tablets, offer a compact and lightweight solution. On the other hand, if mobility is not a significant factor, keyboards can provide a better typing experience on larger devices like laptops or desktop computers.

6.4 Task-specific needs

Considering the specific tasks that will be performed is essential in deciding between a keyboard and a touchscreen. Tasks that rely heavily on typing, such as writing reports or data entry, generally benefit from the speed and accuracy of a keyboard. Conversely, tasks that involve drawing, sketching, or manipulating content may be more suited to touchscreens due to their direct and intuitive nature.

6.5 Consideration of different devices

Different devices offer different input methods, and the choice may be influenced by the available options. For desktop computers or laptops, keyboards are the standard input method, while smartphones and tablets primarily feature touchscreens. Choosing the right input method involves considering the device being used and its inherent capabilities.


In conclusion, the choice between a keyboard and a touchscreen depends on several factors. Keyboards offer increased typing speed, precise input, and customizable shortcuts, making them suitable for tasks that involve extensive typing. On the other hand, touchscreens provide an intuitive user interface, multi-touch gestures, and adaptability for different tasks, especially those that involve direct interaction with content.

When deciding between the two, it is crucial to consider factors such as typing speed, accuracy, ergonomics, user experience, and adaptability. Additionally, the purpose of use, personal preference, mobility requirements, task-specific needs, and the device being used should be taken into account.

Ultimately, there is no definitive answer as to which input method is better. The choice depends on individual preferences, the nature of the tasks being performed, and the specific requirements of the user. Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of each option can help users make an informed decision based on their unique needs and preferences.