is 65 percent keyboard worth it
is 65 percent keyboard worth it

Are you tired of lugging around a bulky keyboard that takes up half your desk space? We indeed were until we discovered the sleek and compact 65 percent keyboard.

In this article, we explore the benefits of this compact powerhouse and why it might be worth ditching your old, clunky keyboard for good.

From increased portability to improved productivity, this keyboard is a game-changer for anyone seeking a more efficient and streamlined typing experience.

Say goodbye to unnecessary clutter, and hello to the 65 percent keyboard revolution.

What is a 65 Percent Keyboard?

Explanation of 65 percent keyboard

A 65 percent keyboard is a compact-sized keyboard that retains the primary alphanumeric keys and removes the number pad, function row, and arrow keys. The name “65 percent” comes from this layout retaining approximately 65 percent of the keys found on a full-size keyboard. Despite its smaller size, a 65 percent keyboard offers a functional and efficient typing experience.

Comparison with other keyboard sizes

There are a few notable differences when comparing a 65 percent keyboard to other keyboard sizes. A full-size keyboard includes all the keys, including the number pad, function row, and arrow keys. It provides maximum functionality but can occupy a significant amount of desk space. On the other hand, a 60 percent keyboard removes the arrow keys and function row in addition to the number pad. The 65 percent keyboard strikes a balance by keeping the arrow keys while removing the number pad and function row.

Benefits of a 65 Percent Keyboard

Compact design

One of the primary benefits of a 65 percent keyboard is its compact design. With its smaller footprint, it takes up less space on your desk, allowing for a cleaner and more organized workspace. The reduced size makes it easier to transport, making it an ideal choice for commuters or frequent travelers.

Ideal for travel

Thanks to its compactness, a 65 percent keyboard is highly portable. It easily fits in a laptop bag, backpack, or even a large pocket, making it convenient for on-the-go typing. Whether you need to work on a plane, coffee shop, or co-working space, a 65 percent keyboard provides a comfortable and familiar typing experience wherever you are.

Reduced finger movement

The smaller size of a 65 percent keyboard means that your fingers have less distance to cover when typing. This can lead to less strain on your fingers and wrists, reducing the risk of repetitive strain injuries (RSI) over time. The compact layout encourages a more relaxed typing posture and can improve overall ergonomics.

More desk space

A 65 percent keyboard frees up valuable desk space by removing unnecessary keys. This can be particularly advantageous for those working on smaller desks or in cluttered environments. A clutter-free workspace can enhance productivity and help you stay focused on the task.

Better ergonomics

The compact layout of a 65 percent keyboard promotes better ergonomics by encouraging a more centered and natural position for your hands. By eliminating the number pad and function row, your mouse can sit closer to the keyboard, reducing shoulder strain and promoting a more comfortable posture. The reduced finger movement also contributes to a more ergonomic typing experience.

Drawbacks of a 65 Percent Keyboard

Learning curve

One of the main drawbacks of a 65 percent keyboard is the learning curve associated with its compact layout. Removing specific keys and repositioning others may require adjusting and familiarizing yourself with the new arrangement. However, most users can adapt to the smaller layout and regain their typing speed with practice.

Missing keys and functions

Due to its smaller size, a 65 percent keyboard omits some keys and functions that are present on more prominent keyboards. The number pad, for instance, is removed, which can be inconvenient for those who frequently work with numerical input. Additionally, function keys are often accessed through a combination of key presses, which can be less intuitive for some users.

Limited customization options

A 65 percent keyboard may have limited customization options compared to more prominent keyboards. Some models may not support programmability or hot-swappable switches, limiting the ability to fine-tune the keyboard to individual preferences. However, this limitation may vary among different brands and models, so it is essential to research and choose a keyboard that offers the desired level of customization.

Typing Experience on a 65 Percent Keyboard


A 65 percent keyboard can offer a comfortable typing experience despite its smaller size. The reduced finger movement and more ergonomic layout contribute to less strain on the fingers and wrists. With practice, users can achieve a natural and efficient typing rhythm, allowing for prolonged sessions without discomfort.


While a 65 percent keyboard requires some adjustment, it can lead to increased typing efficiency for those who adapt to its layout. Removing unnecessary keys forces users to rely more on alternative input methods, such as function key combinations, which can help streamline workflows and enhance productivity. With its compact layout, a 65 percent keyboard encourages users to maintain a faster typing pace due to the reduced distance between keys.

Key placement and accessibility

The critical placement on a 65 percent keyboard is designed to facilitate accessibility and reduce finger movement. Users can perform tasks more efficiently by keeping the arrow keys, commonly used in text navigation and gaming, within easy reach. While removing specific keys may require some adjustment, most users find that the placement of essential keys remains intuitive and accessible.

Different Layouts for 65 Percent Keyboards

QWERTY layout

The QWERTY layout, named after the first six letters on the top row of keys, is the most commonly used keyboard layout. It is the layout most users are familiar with, which makes it an excellent choice for those seeking a seamless transition to a 65 percent keyboard. The QWERTY layout emphasizes frequently used keys and can contribute to efficient typing and a smooth workflow.

Colemak layout

The Colemak layout is an alternative keyboard layout designed to maximize typing efficiency and minimize finger movement. It retains the QWERTY layout’s familiar letter placements while redistributing the less commonly used keys. Colemak strongly emphasizes ergonomics and aims to reduce strain on the fingers and wrists. While Colemak may require some adjustment for users accustomed to the QWERTY layout, it can significantly improve typing speed and comfort.

Dvorak layout

The Dvorak layout is another alternative keyboard layout that aims to increase typing efficiency. It rearranges the keys based on letter frequency and the ergonomic principles of hand alternation and finger load balancing. The Dvorak layout is designed to reduce finger movement and minimize strain on the wrists, potentially leading to increased typing speed and reduced fatigue. However, due to its deviation from the QWERTY layout, transitioning to Dvorak may require a significant learning curve for most users.

Suitability for Gamers

Benefits for gaming

A 65 percent keyboard can be well-suited for gaming, depending on the game and individual preferences. The compact layout gives gamers more mouse space, enhancing precision and responsiveness in fast-paced games. Additionally, the arrow keys, commonly used for movement, remain accessible on a 65 percent keyboard, ensuring a familiar gaming experience.

Missing keys in games

One potential drawback of a 65 percent keyboard for gaming is the absence of certain keys integral to specific games. Some games may require dedicated keys for macros, additional functions, or hotkeys, which may be missing on a 65 percent keyboard. However, many gamers find workarounds or adapt their gameplay to suit the layout and ultimately enjoy the benefits of a more compact gaming setup.

Preferences of gamers

Gamers often have personalized preferences regarding keyboards, including size, key switches, and customization options. While a 65 percent keyboard may not be ideal for all gamers, many find the compact design and improved ergonomics beneficial even during extended gaming sessions. Gamers must consider their gaming needs and preferences before deciding if a 65 percent keyboard is the right choice for them.

Productivity and Programming on a 65 Percent Keyboard

Efficiency in programming

For programmers, a 65 percent keyboard can provide a conducive environment for coding and increased productivity. The compact layout reduces finger movement and allows a more focused typing experience. With practice, programmers can quickly adapt to the smaller layout and exploit the reduced reach between keys. Additionally, the space saved on the desk can be allocated for other peripherals or documents, enhancing organization and workflow.

Customization options for productivity

While customization options may vary among 65 percent of keyboards, many models offer programmability, allowing users to assign specific commands or macros to individual keys. This can be particularly useful for programmers who rely on shortcuts and frequently used commands. Customization options can help streamline workflows and automate tasks, improving productivity and efficiency.

Workflow adjustment

Transitioning to a 65 percent keyboard may require some initial adjustment for programmers. However, with time, many find that reduced finger movement and improved ergonomics contribute to a more efficient workflow. The compact nature of the keyboard can also encourage programmers to declutter their workspace and maintain a more focused and organized environment.

Price Range for 65 Percent Keyboards

Budget-friendly options

A wide range of 65 percent keyboards is available at various price points, making it accessible for users on a budget. Budget-friendly options typically feature plastic cases, non-customizable keycaps, and fewer switch options. While they may lack certain premium features, these keyboards can still provide a reliable typing experience for those looking to try a 65 percent layout without breaking the bank.

High-end keyboards

For users seeking a higher-end 65 percent keyboard, premium options offer advanced features and customization options. These keyboards often come with aluminum or stainless steel cases, customizable keycap sets, hot-swappable switches, and programmability. High-end keyboards cater to enthusiasts prioritizing build quality, aesthetics, and advanced customization options.

Considerations Before Buying a 65 Percent Keyboard

Intended usage

Before purchasing a 65 percent keyboard, it is essential to consider your intended usage. If you primarily work with numerical data, the absence of a number pad may be inconvenient. However, if you value portability, space-saving designs, and efficient typing, a 65 percent keyboard may be a suitable choice. Carefully assess how you plan to use the keyboard to ensure it aligns with your needs and preferences.

Personal preferences

Every user has unique preferences regarding keyboards, including key switches, customization options, and aesthetics. Consider your preferred typing experience, whether you prefer a compact or full-size layout and the level of customization you desire. It may be helpful to try out different types of keyboards or seek recommendations from other users to ensure the 65 percent keyboard aligns with your personal preferences.

Availability of additional peripherals

When purchasing a 65 percent keyboard, consider the availability of additional peripherals that may complement your setup. This includes wrist rests, keycap sets, and desk mats. The right peripherals can enhance comfort, aesthetics, and overall typing experience. Ensure that the 65 percent keyboard you choose has options for additional peripherals that meet your requirements.

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Sam Cox
Hi, I'm Sam Cox! I'm an experienced computer and gaming enthusiast passionate about helping others get the most out of their tech. a Tech expert and your go-to source for all tech tips at The Computer Geeks. With years of experience in the industry, I bring extensive knowledge and expertise to help you navigate the ever-evolving world of technology. I have a passion for simplifying complex concepts and finding creative solutions, making your tech journey both enlightening and enjoyable. Whether you're a seasoned tech enthusiast or a beginner looking for guidance, I am here to provide you with valuable insights, tutorials, and practical tips to enhance your digital experience.